Elderberry Country Wine - Beowolf

Elderberry Country Wine - Beowolf


FolkTale Elderberry Wine

Batch WIN21 - 17% / 10.4 standard drinks 750ml

Product description

Beowolf is FolkTale’s Elderberry country wine. It blends together the flavours of oak, elderberry and honey to produce this semi-sweet, slightly tart beverage. Reminiscent of a walk in the woods. The aroma is strong of oak and dark dried fruits, with a hint of earthiness. FolkTale is very pleased to add this amazing country wine to our selection.


Percentages and standard drinks vary per season.

Pregnancy warning - Alcohol can cause lifelong harm to your baby.

Note to Customers:

Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard or Paypal. Cash payments can be arranged by emailing your order through to folktalemeadery@outlook.com, calling us on 0411 588 122 or contacting Folk Tale by our Facebook page or contact page.

Mythology behind the name of FolkTale’s Wine

Beowolf of the Geats

The celebration and merriment of Danish King Hrothgar’s mead hall angers the monstrous Grendel. For 12 years the creature terrorizes the Danes carrying off Hrothgar’s warriors and devouring them in the dark of night. Beowulf, a young prince of the Geats, hears of Hrothgar’s plight and with a small band of Swedish warriors, goes and saves the Danes from the Grendal.

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